My research examines the intersections of platform economies, digital cultures, and social justice. I probe the historical and socio-economic conditions surrounding the emergence of digital platforms and how platform engagements (especially by marginal populations) reshape politics, society, inequality, and agential possibilities.
I have explored four key sub-themes: 1) minority groups and online political mobilization; 2) digital infrastructures and inequality; 3) digital/platform labor, organizing, and precarity; and 4) networked brokerage and the dynamics of aspirational content creation and cultural production on social media platforms.
On digital cultures, labor, and the platform economy
Soriano, C.R. (forthcoming, 2025). Qualculative rationalities of hustle in platform labor. In E. Bulut, J. Chen, R. Grohmann, K. Jarrett (eds.), Sage Handbook of Digital Labor. Sage. Read preprint.
Gaw, F. & Soriano, C.R.R. (forthcoming, 2025), Brokerage. In Nai, A., Grömping, M., & Wirz, D. (Eds). Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Edward Elgar Publishing. Read preprint.
Soriano, C. (forthcoming, 2025). “Calibrated servitude”: Agency, relational practice, and postcolonial dynamics in cloudwork. In J. Qiu, S. Yeo, & R. Maxwell (eds.). Handbook of Digital Labour. Wiley-Blackwell. Access preprint here.
Gómez-Cruz, E., Horst, H., Siles, I., & Soriano, C. (2023). Beyond the tropicalization of concepts: theorizing digital realities with and from the Global South, Communication, Culture and Critique, 16(4), 217–220, / Access copy here.
Soriano, C. (2023). ‘Suddenly, virtual organizations’: Communication technology and the labor politics of work and time. In Lee, R. & Roma, D. (Eds.). Bordered Lives No More: The Humanities and the Post Covid-19 Recovery. Manila: De La Salle University Press. (Read open access pre-print)
Chen, Y. & Soriano, C.R (2022). How do workers survive and thrive in the platform economy? Evidence from China and Philippines. In Graham, M. & Ferrari. F. (eds), Digital Work in the Planetary Market. MIT Press. (open access).
Soriano, C. & Cabanes, JVC. (2022). Solidaristic formations among cloudworkers in the platform economy: Entrepreneurial logics with resistant identities. In T. Flew (Ed.), SAGE Handbook of the Digital Media Economy.Sage.
Dynamics of digital political engagement, influence production, and networked political brokerage
Gaw, F. & Soriano, C.R.R. (in press), Brokerage. In Nai, A., Grömping, M., & Wirz, D. (Eds). Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Soriano, C. & Gaw, F. (2022). Platforms, alternative influence, and networked political brokerage on YouTube. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 28(3), 781-803. (Open access preprint here).
Soriano, C. (2015). Strategic activism for democratization and social change. In D. Holtzhausen and Ansgar Zerfass (eds.), Handbook of Strategic Communication (pp.424-438). London & New York: Routledge.
Ilagan, K.A. & Soriano, C.R. (2020). Data Journalism in the Philippines: New trends, new practices for old media organizations. In B. Mutsvairo, S. Bebawi, & E. Borges-Rey, Data Journalism in non-Western Societies: Comparative Perspectives. Palgrave.
Soriano, C. & Cao, R. (2017). Of Owned, Shared, and Public Access ICT: Constructs of Privacy and Publicness in Marginal Spaces. In (A. Telleria, Ed.) Between the Public and Private in Mobile Communication(pp. 77-98). London & New York: Routledge
Soriano, C. & Cao, R. (2016). Minority groups and strategies of display and dissent in physical, virtual, and hybrid spaces. In Ong, J. & Rovisco, M. (Eds). Taking the Square: New protest movements, the media, and the struggle for democracy 'from below (pp. 207-228). Rowman and Littlefield.
Philippine / Asian digital communication / Decolonizing media and communication
Gómez-Cruz, E., Horst, H., Siles, I., & Soriano, C. (2023). Beyond the tropicalization of concepts: theorizing digital realities with and from the Global South, Communication, Culture and Critique, 16(4), 217 220,
Lim, S. S. and Soriano, C (2016). A (digital) giant awakens: Invigorating media studies through Asian perspectives. In Lim, S.S. & Soriano, C. (Eds). Asian Perspectives on Digital Culture. Emerging Phenomena, Enduring Concepts (pp. 3-16). London & New York: Routledge.
Soriano, C. & Lim, S.S. (2016). Ritual and communal connection in mobile phone communication: Representation of kapwa, bayanihan and "People Power" in the Philippines. In Lim, S.S. & Soriano, C. (Eds). Asian Perspectives on Digital Culture, Emerging Phenomena, Enduring Concepts (pp. 100-118). London & New York: Routledge.
Sapitula, M and Soriano C. (2016). My Letter to Heaven via Email. Translocal Piety and Mediated Selves in Urban Marian Piety in the Philippines. In Lim, S.S. & Soriano, C. (Eds). Asian Perspectives on Digital Culture, Emerging Phenomena, Enduring Concepts (pp 33-51). London & New York: Routledge.
Soriano, C. (2015). Review: Proenza, F. J. (Ed.), Public Access ICT across Cultures. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies, 30(1), 130-133.
Soriano, C. (2015). Review: Rogers, R. (2013). ‘Digital Methods’. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Television and New Media, 16(8), 772.
Soriano, C. (2013). Review: G. Lovink, ‘Networks without a Cause: Critique of Social Media’. Mobile Media & Communication, 1(3), 373-374
COMMISSIONED WORKS Magno, F. & Soriano, C. (2013). E-Government Services for Overseas Filipino Workers. Study funded by the National Research Council of the Philippines and the Department of Science and Technology.